NEW! Live Remote Workshops

Introducing Live Remote Sketchnoting Workshops with Sylvia! (Click here to see this page in a Google doc.)

Dear sketchnoting friends and educators,

Now that everyone has settled back into a new school year, it is the perfect time to introduce your students and/or colleagues to sketchnoting (or to polish their sketchnoting skills). For the first time ever, I am now offering customized, live, remote sketchnoting workshops for any audience around the world!

What is sketchnoting?

Sketchnoting is a form of visual note-taking, where you draw or doodle your thoughts, observations, or notes in combination with words or text. It is a highly effective way for students to stay focussed, organize their thoughts, plan out ideas, and be creative with their note-taking. 

Workshop description:

Workshop participants will learn how to sketchnote with various fun and scaffolded drawing activities.  Sylvia will teach the basic elements of sketchnoting such as how to set up your sketchnote and how to draw icons, fonts, arrows, people, faces, animals, banners, containers, frames, bullets, and dividers and how to live sketchnote. By the end of the workshop, even the most reluctant artist will become a budding sketchnoter and will leave with all the skills necessary to create meaningful visual notes.

Audience: All ages in all subject areas.

Capacity: Up to 100 participants per workshop.

Required tools: Participants can draw digitally or with pen and paper.

Special back-to-school rates (in USD): Customize your workshop length! (Book before Oct 31 to receive the discounted rates. Workshop can take place anytime this school year. All bookings require a 50% down payment to secure the date.)

Regular rate → Discounted rate until Oct. 31

1 hr: $1000 → $650

2 hrs: $1600  → $1200

3 hrs:  $2150 → $1750

4 hrs: $2700 →  $2200

5 hrs: $3100 →  $2600

6 hrs: $3500 →  $3000

Each workshop registration comes with a free copy of my book (in the U.S. or Canada only): How to Sketchnote: A Step by Step Manual for Teachers and Students.

For questions or to book me:

Please email me at

I hope to see you and your students online soon!

XXOO Sylvia

(Please click here for more testimonials.)